
an official goodbye

Since this blog is strangely still getting pageviews, I wanted to officially close this chapter with a goodbye post. It's extremely after the fact and probably redundant, but I feel like this space deserves closure.

If you're interested in what I'm up to nowadays, check out my portfolio website, my Instagram and Pet People Magazine.



hilda grahnat wedding photography

hildagrahnat.com/weddings I have a new site for my wedding photography: hildagrahnat.com/weddings!


textural tunisia exhibition

.9053 .9045 .9072 .9081 .9064 I'm currently exhibiting a series I call 'Textural Tunisia' at the House of Rym store in Stockholm. In May I travelled to Tunisia to document the handicraft and production of House of Rym's products for their fall catalog. We travelled all over the country, from the coast to the Sahara desert, and I shot as much as I possibly could. I noticed so many textures, shapes, surfaces, lines and compositions in the landscape, the buildings and the earth. I collected everything and combined them in various ways for this series. I also made a black and white lo-fi zine printed on five different papers.

The exhibition is up at House of Rym at Hornsgatan 73 until December 8. All the pieces are for sale in limited editions. After that I'll sell them in my online shop and at a Pop-up Christmas event at KOJA Shop in Gothenburg December 10-11. I'll also bring along my other zines, Pet People Magazine and some left over book clocks!


mogu takahashi at fine little day

.6825 .6850 .6836 .6844 .6848 .6822 .6857 .6830 .6858 Today I was at the opening of Japanese artist Mogu Takahashi's exhibition at Fine Little Day. Super inspired by her work and person. Don't miss if you're in the Gothenburg area, it's open until November 7. I also got to flip through the Japanese version of the Fine Little Day book, which includes some of my photos.


Way Out West 2015

.001 .002 .DSF6460 .6464 .005 .6469 .6479 .503 .6472 .6498 .6487 .006 I attended the annual music festival Way Out West here in Gothenburg this weekend. Highlights were Beck and First Aid Kit! Lowpoint was getting soaked by heavy rain trying to get home after First Aid Kit... I was there shooting for the Instagram account @bestofgothenburg, a great local source for fun Gothenburg spots and events.


pet people magazine issue 01

petpeople02 petpeople08 petpeople09 petpeople07 petpeople01 petpeople06 petpeople10 petpeople03 petpeople15 petpeople14 petpeople04 Me and my graphic designer friend Linnea Paulsson started a magazine, celebrating the love stories of pets and their people in one city at a time. Naturally it's called Pet People Magazine and it's 60 pages with photography by me and interviews and design by Linnea. After a lot of hard work and a long process Issue 01 is now finally launched! In the first issue we meet eight pets and their people in the city of Malmö. We had a pre-release launch event and photo exhibition in Malmö in March, which was a lot of fun. We finally launched Issue 01 in May and we are excited to see where this will take us.

You can buy it here, and follow us on instagram and facebook! Pet people unite!


How to decorate with plants, vol I. Taipei










Here's one of the projects I worked on last fall. During my four day trip to Taiwan, I became obsessed with how unabashedly the people of Taipei decorated their stoops, backstreets, facades and gardens with plants. I made this 28-page newsprint zine which you can now buy on my website!


new blog address

Hi! Just a heads up, this blog is now located at blog.hildagrahnat.com! (blog.grahnat.se should still work, though)


new website!

website I finally have a new portfolio site up! Check it out and let me know what you think! www.hildagrahnat.com


taiwan snapshots

.4495 .4497 .4561 .4398 .4634 .4728 .4827 These past few months have been the busiest, most stressful and most productive of my life. I can't wait to share what I've been working on (some of it soon, some next year). This, me posting here, is really just a way of procrastinating all that I have to do. But I felt an urge to share some quick snapshots. Back in September I traveled to Taiwan to shoot a wedding (!) and had a few extra days to explore. I wish I could have stayed longer! I didn't have any expectations or plans, and I ended up having a great time, mostly walking around taking photos with the Fuji x100s I got this summer.