
hecho en mexico



Andra köper prydnadssaker att ställa på hyllan, jag köper snygga flaskor. Det skadar ju inte att innehållet är gott också, men den här väntar jag nog ett tag med att dricka upp. I USA kostar den mindre än en dollar om jag inte minns fel, här fick jag punga ut med 23 kronor på Gray's American Store (behöver jag säga att det är en av mina favoritaffärer i Malmö?).

Other people buy knick-knacks to put on their shelves, I buy pretty bottles. It doesn't hurt that the content tastes good, but I won't drink this for a while. If I remember correctly these are less than a dollar in the US, here I had to shell out 23 SEK (about 3 dollars) at Gray's American Store (do I need to mention that it's one of my favorite stores in Malmö?).


  1. nice bright photos. I never thought of decorating with filled soda bottles but they do seem like they would cheer up a space.

    bummer they cost so much there!! its becoming very easy to buy mexican foods and drinks here now.

  2. hilda

    im am Mexican, i love your blog so much, i think you have a strong and authentic view of what you are and will achieve in interior design.

    if you ever need the REAL THING let me know and i ll mail more Jarritos so you can actually taste them, they are good! and they are owned by a union not an entrepeneur. my generation is very proud of them.

    ill send you more pics of Mexican 'curious' drinks.


  3. hi hilda

    im mexican and here you can buy jarritos in 18 pesos( 1 dollar) it taste good but the juice would taste better in a real jarrito(picture in the bottle) also coffe taste better too in a jarrito, i love all your pictures specialy the ones from sweden and im also a fan of vintage stuff, love your blog, and if you like it i could sent you a jarrito(it's like a mug)


    p.s:sorry if my english is no good.


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