
summer in the city




Igår eftermiddag kom jag med tåget till ett soligt Stockholm. Det blev en stund av sol i Skinnarviksparken, senare thaimat uppe på berget med min bror, hans flickvän och stans bästa utsikt. Jag gillar sommarstockholm.

Yesterday afternoon I arrived to a sunny Stockholm. I spent some time relaxing in a park and then had thai food on the Skinnarvik mountain with my brother, his girlfriend and the best view in the city. I like Stockholm in the summer.


  1. Beautiful photos of Stockholm. I've never been there, but hope to one day. :-) I'd love to sit on those rocks. :-)

  2. Amazing photos! I've always wanted to visit Stockholm (I've actually had dreams about it), and your photos have actually bumped it a few more spots up on my list.

  3. Looks lovely. Makes me want to be there. :)

  4. Jeg har fulgt med på din blogg nå gjennom en lengre periode, synes den er fantastisk inspirerende! Men idag fikk jeg rett og slett sjokk når jeg leste innlegget ditt!! Din bror er jo Anton! hehe.. =) Han var min handledare når jeg tok min praktik i Stockholm nå for typ 2 uker siden! Det er morsomt hvor liten verden er! =)

    Gleder meg til å se mer av dine inspirerende bilder!

    Hilsen Tonje

  5. What a beautiful place! I hope I get to go there someday.

  6. Beautiful photographs and what a beautiful city - I too hope to visit it one day..... :-)

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