
berlin V







Sista delen Berlin. Tack för era snälla kommentarer på de senaste inläggen! De två sista bildern är från någonstans i norra Tyskland; vi stannade till för en lunch och ett svalkande Östersjödopp på väg till färjan.

Last Berlin post. Thank you for your kind comments on my Berlin photos. These two last shots are from somewhere in northern Germany; we stopped for lunch and a cooling swim in the ocean before heading to the ferry.


  1. Alla dessa snyggobilder - blir så inspirerad!

    Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg!

  2. Brilliant photos... so want to go there!

  3. 3 weeks ago i was in berlin to. great city! i love your photo's!

  4. Oh Berlin! I love that city so much. I've been there once for two weeks and I still dream of going back, like everyday...I think I'm gonna live there. (Been to Friedrichshain?)

  5. hello from Hamburg Germany...
    I found your blog and I like it!
    I love your Berlinpictures....
    I would love to go there to take great pictures ;) so I will, hopefully very soon...

  6. I know I don't comment much, but I am such a big fan of your photos.

  7. wohouu! surfing through your blog and seeing a picture of this photoautomat in prenzlauer berg feels great. was there too a few weeks ago. sat on the same seat . :)

    great blog!


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