Jag har gjort en ny portfolio och bestämde mig samtidigt för att flytta över bloggen till samma domän. Därmed går bloggnamnet Forever is Today i graven och det känns så bra. Från och med nu finns alltså den här bloggen på blog.grahnat.se. RSS-flödet ska funka som förut och allt kommer vara likadant förutom namnet och platsen. Även min shop har flyttat, den finns numera på shop.grahnat.se. Säg gärna till om något ser konstigt ut!
I made a new portfolio and decided to move this blog to the same domain. I am losing the blog name (so no more "Forever is Today") and will just blog under my own name. I will continue to blog at blog.grahnat.se and everything will be the same except the name. RSS-feeds should keep working just as before. (foreveristoday.blogspot.com still works too, you will be automatically forwarded to the new address). My shop has also moved and is now located at shop.grahnat.se. Please let me know if anything looks weird!
Åh så fint!!
ReplyDeleteLooks good! Too bad about the name, but that'll grow on us all, I'm sure!
ReplyDeletelooks great on Chrome on a mac!
ReplyDeletegilda, your site is amazing. the eye you have for color and your love for vintage are very cool. u have an impressive eye for photography.
ReplyDeletekeep on with the good work, your portafolio and blog.
i love the color blocking pics you've shown with the clocks and vintage pieces. you are very talented, i read from mexico city and love you were able to get a bottle of chaparita, it is delicious and owned by a worker co-op.
best, raquel