
reason #12087543 why I love my grandfather




Min morfar sparade på allt. Bevis nummer ett: Kvitton "å automobilskatt" från 1954-1966 låg i hans förråd. Notera att han bytte registreringsnummer (och antagligen bil, stämmer det mamma?) 1961 och att det därför finns två från det året. På bilden står han till höger, tillsammans med min morbror, mormor och mamma, ca 1962.

My grandfather saved everything. Proof number one: I found "automobile tax" receipts from 1954-1966 in his garage. Note that there are two from 1961; the change of license number is probably because he bought a new car (is that correct, mom?). In the picture it's him on the far right, with my uncle, grandmother and mother, ca 1962.


  1. this is so cool - it's neat that you know the history behind it!

    my grandpa saved everything too, but we didn't know him well, so when he died we didn't know what was the meaning behind anything he saved, very sad.

  2. i think whitney has a great point, it must be amazing to look through all of his things and put the memories back togething, living history!

  3. So great!

    Strange thing - Your grandfather had the same hair and glasses as my grandfather!

  4. This made me smile as for some reason my boyfriend has also kept all his tax disks in his car in the storage pouch, there are loads of them, he isn't a 'save everything' person usually though :)


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