
around the sound III





Italiensk glass, en fasad, äppelpaj och en kombinerad skräpbod och frisör.
Jag hade tänkt lägga upp de här sista rutorna igår kväll, men jag somnade på soffan istället.

Gelato, a facade, apple pie and a combined junk store and hairdresser.
I had planned to show you these last shots last night, but I fell asleep on the couch instead.


  1. that hairdresser/ junk store combination is weird! ;) i have a pharmacy in my neighbourhood that has a 'happy hour'. very dubious i think.

  2. Those desserts look amazing...you take really beautiful pictures too:)

    Julie xo

  3. I'm sure I've said it before, but your photos make my heart swell with happiness. I just finished looking at a month worth of your photos and have a huge smile on my face. Stunning.

  4. i love your photos - i just started a photo blog and you are definitely one inspiration!

    the window/reflection shot is my fav.


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