
in my mailbox





Kommer ni ihåg att jag utlyste en swap för ett tag sen? Sakta men säkert har fyra paket trillat ner i min brevlåda. Med himla fina saker! Allt från fina vykort och klistermärken till choklad och förkläde. Från Essi (Finland), Christin (Norge), Lu Jing (Kina) och Jacinta (Australien). Tack!

Do you remember the swap I did a while back? Slowly but surely four packages have landed in my mailbox. With such pretty stuff! Everything from lovely postcards and stickers to chocolate and an apron. From Essi (Finland), Christin (Norway), Lu Jing (China) och Jacinta (Australia). Thank you!


  1. swaps are so much fun! and you got such beautiful things, how wonderful. mail is the best, especially when it's filled with lovely things.

  2. Oh! How wonderful! Do you want to do it again? :)

  3. What beautiful things to get in the mail!

  4. Thanks to you, miss! ^^ The package you sent was absolutely worth waiting.

  5. those are really nice I think you had a great idea ! Its lovely

  6. haha the postcard with the melons!

    so many pretty things!!

  7. So beautiful. You should do it again! and I will definitely join.

  8. I love your blog and photos. everything is so close.. eh ... and Sweden .. second home after Lithuania. good come back there every time, this year even Cristmas celebration I planing have in SE.
    Go ahead dear!

  9. I too would love to join in on the next one, should you host another! :)


I read and appreciate all your comments, thank you so much!
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