
2010 recap: august




In August, I shot my third wedding, started drinking coffee, said goodbye to the summer job and the west coast and returned to Malmö, fought pest in my kitchen, went back to school, bought a new camera lens, went to Malmö music festival, worked on collages, went flea market hunting and had hotel brunch with Sanna and Ben and enjoyed the last warm days.


  1. Barasåattduvet så skrev jag just ett inlägg om din tokfina blogg (på min blogg). Bara för att du är så bäst, har världens finaste hem och jag blir så hemskt inspirerad av din kreativitet. Du är fin.

  2. These are simply gorgeous! August looks like it was good to you

  3. i love the first photo, simple..

    the third photo is unique...



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