
decking the halls








Nu går julstämningen i min lägenhet i takt med snön utanför. Julduken jag fyndade i somras är på plats, stjärnan hänger i fönstret och adventsstaken är pyntad med kanel och stjärnanis. Som vanligt var jag så ivrig att fotografera medan ljuset var fint att saker flyttade på sig mellan bilderna. Så ja, jag är en sån som pyntar med snygga plastpåsar (den här är från New York och gjord i oktober 1990 och hamnade på något sätt på Röda Korset i Linköping där jag fick den att bära min köpta kudde i), men nu hänger brickorna där istället.

The few Christmas decorations I own are in place. The table cloth I thrifted this summer is on the table, the star is in the window and the advent candle holder is filled with cinnamon sticks and Chinese anise. As usual, I was so eager to take photos while the light was good that things moved around between shots. So yes, I decorate with good-looking plastic bags (this one is from New York, was made in October 1990 and somehow ended up at the Red Cross thrift store in Linköping where they gave it to me to carry the cushion I bought), but now my trays have taken its place.


  1. Love your place! Have a happy Thursday!

  2. I rarely ever comment but I do check your blog every time I see a post on google reader and I just wanted to tell you that your windows are amazing. I wish my house had that much light. Also, I want to go thrift store shopping with you.

  3. oj vad fint du har det! älskar din julduk!!

  4. the thing i like most about your photography is that everything is so gorgeous and fresh and clean. <3 the light here is fantastic and so are the festive albeit simple decorations. (: so much love!

  5. there is a lovely light in your home!

  6. åh jag ar en likadan brödlåda som du, den röda, fast min är mintgrön :)

  7. I love the photos of your apartment that include the view out the window above your table. There is always such a sense of light and distance, it makes it seem like your apartment is floating up high in the clouds. :)

  8. These photos feel so good! Love them all. :)

  9. Fell in love with the blue and red box! Your place is great!

  10. Vad mycket jul, och fint hos dig :)

  11. wow, you're photos give me a nice feeling. the light, the subjects: your style is great!

  12. I am so in love with your high outlook and big open windows... all that beautiful light! Hello from a new follower in Australia!


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