
good morning sun




Det är ett säkert vårtecken att jag vaknar till det här ljuset idag. Normalt har jag bara sol i min lägenhet på eftermiddagarna (om ens då). Men om jag har tur reflekteras morgonsolen i fönstren i byggnaden mittemot och några strålar letar sig ända in till mig. Det varar bara några minuter varje gång. God morgon!

It's a sure sign of spring that I woke up to this light today. Normally I only have sunlight in my apartment in the afternoon (if that). But if I'm lucky, the morning sun is reflected in the windows of the building opposite mine and a few brave rays make their way into my little world. This only lasts for a few minutes each time. Good morning!


  1. Vilken underbart glad lampa! :-)

  2. Å - så herleg med vårsol! Nydelege bilder. Diggar kartbildet ditt og den gule lampen!

    Ha ein fin vårdag:-)

  3. how wonderful this is! <3 i haven't seen the evening sun in a few days now. haha. have fun, love! (:

  4. Eeeelsker den gule lampen, og kartet av NYC.

  5. I've been noticing that the light is staying around longer each day. Bring on spring!

  6. härligt med morgonsol!! önskar att solen hittar tillbaks hit igen med!

  7. yay for spring! your photos are so beautiful.

  8. I love the sun in your apartment! And I too appreciate reflected rays just as much as direct sunlight and find it can have a really nice softness to it.

  9. Börjar skolan kl.8, så jag missade morgonljuset.
    Men vägen hem vid kl. 16 på Lundavägen, söderut mot Värnhem var finfin. Motljuset gjorde dock cyklingen något riskfylld eftersom jag knappt kunde se den mötande trafiken.

  10. Hope it was a good start to a good day for you^^ Morning light looks so gorgeous, I love the little bambi in your photo!

  11. sometimes i think that strong sunshine is the only good thing about waking up in the morning... :)


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