
japan teaser







Efter 20 timmar på resande fot är vi nu åter på svensk mark, trötta och lite snurriga. Jag har inte hunnit samla tankar och intryck tillräckligt för att kunna uttrycka något mer än att Japan var fantastiskt. Många tusen bilder ska sorteras och redigeras; här kommer några teasers som jag hittade när jag tömde minneskorten.

1. Nyårsfirande vid Zojojitemplet: 3000 ballonger med önskningar släpptes till skyarna vid midnatt
2. Affärsskylt
3. Snapshots tagna med loppisfyndad Fuji Instax
4. Utsikten från familjevännen Tomokos lägenhet i Tsukishima
5. Jag i närheten av Ashinoko lake
6. Andrea skickar iväg en nyårspuss till en kär vän därhemma

Tack för alla kommentarer på årssummeringen, jag återkommer snart med svar på frågor ni ställt medan jag var borta!


After 20 hours of travel we are back on Swedish ground, tired and a bit dizzy. I haven't been able to gather my thoughts and impressions enough to express more than that Japan was amazing. I have many thousands of photos to sort and edit; here are a few teasers I found while emptying my memory cards.

1. New Year's Eve celebration at Zojoji temple - 3000 baloons with attached wishes were released at midnight
2. Store sign
3. Snapshots taken with a Fuji Instax I found at a flea market
4. The view from my family friend Tomoko's apartment in Tsukishima
5. Me near Ashinoko Lake
6. Andrea blowing a New Year's kiss to her beau back home

Thank you so much for all your comments on the 2010 recap - I will be back soon with answers to questions you asked while I was away.


  1. At first I thought those were birds in the first photo. It's beautiful!

    Happy 2011!


  2. Åh jisses vad avundsjuk jag är!!

  3. Ooh I can't wait to see more! I'm so happy to have found your lovely blog.

  4. I can't wait to see what's to come! I love Japan, oh how I miss!

  5. ohhhhhh that first shot is absolutely magical!!! thank you for sharing. can't wait to see more! I've always wanted to visit Japan.

  6. looks like you had such a great time!

  7. these are lovely. they make me excited because i plan to visit japan this year.

  8. welcome back Hilda, I will looking forward to see Japan through your lenses, I loved it, but it's difficult not to isn't it?

  9. I can't wait to see your Japan pics, so far they look amazing. Happy New Year! Akemashite, Omedeto Gozaimasu!

  10. wow these are incredible!! really looking forward seeing more :)
    happy new year hilda! your pics always make me smile!

  11. welcome home, love! <3 hahaha i've definitely missed you when you were gone! i'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time with your friend. (:
    p.s. i've awarded you with the Stylish Blogger Award! http://discoeyes.blogspot.com/2011/01/wet-toes.html

  12. the fourth photo is amazing! great work!

  13. the new year shot of japan is so beautiful! can't wait to see more!



  14. wow it looks so beautiful..I bet you had an amazing time there.


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