
the dollhouse








Min pappa plockade snällt ner mammas gamla dockskåp från 60-talet till mig när jag var hemma förra helgen. Vi fick leka försiktigt med det när vi var små; nu möblerade jag det ur minnet och enligt mamma träffade jag nästan rätt med allt. Visst är det fint? Mina favoriter är tapeten, köksskåpet, radiogrammofonen och skidåkaren på tv:n. Mamma berättade att hon fick önska sig en möbel i taget och att hon aldrig haft några dockor till det. Men om hon är som jag så tyckte hon nog att det roligaste var att möblera ändå.

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My dad was kind enough to bring my mom's dollhouse from the '60s down from the attic when I was home last weekend. We were allowed to play with it carefully when we were kids; now I decorated it from memory and according to my mom I got most of it right. Isn't it lovely? My favorites are the wallpaper, the kitchen cabinet, the radio-gramophone and the skier on the little TV. My mom says she wished for one piece of furniture at a time (for birthdays and Christmas) and she never actually had any dolls in it. But if she's anything like me she probably preferred re-decorating anyway.


  1. Åh så fint, där skulle jag vilja bo! Min favorit är vardagsrumstapeten.

  2. waaah jag hade helt glömt detta men nu när jag ser det kan jag på riktigt känna den där borsten som ligger på badkaret!

  3. I want to live there!=D

  4. Kul! Hade glömt bort detta, men känner igen det nu när jag ser bilderna. "Rörliga bilder" på TV-apparaterna - ej att förglömma!

  5. How cool! I love tiny doll house furniture! What a great collection your mom had acquired over the years!

  6. This is hands-down the coolest dollhouse ever! Straight out of Mad Men, awesome!

  7. this is so amazing Hilda. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Wow, what an awesome keepsake in the family! I've been photographing my family keepsakes over the past couple of years. It's great fun. I love these photos.

  9. This is so cool! What a great family keepsake, and a lot of those furniture styles & colors are popular again!

  10. ah! so amazing! it would be such a beautiful gift to give one's daughter (when she's old enough to take care of it of course!)

  11. wow, this dollhouse is one that i have never seen before! it is so perfect and adorable. <3

  12. I love this! There is something still so magical about dollhouses with all their miniature things. I wish my mom had something like this up in the attic!

  13. Makes me wish I was a little girl again play for hours and hours!

  14. i love it!!!! awesome images by the way!

    i gave you a blog award...go check it out on my blog, and play along if you'd like!



  15. Oh My, this is one of the coolest things I have ever seen it would have been a DREAM for me to have a dollhouse like this when I was a kid (even now actually...).

  16. That dollhouse is incredible! :)
    I was the same - I spent most of my time decorating and re-decorating rather then playing with any dolls.
    Thanks for sharing

  17. Ihh hvor er det fint. Jeg er vild med miniature :)

  18. It's gorgeous. I love the colours and the period fittings.
    Great photos.

  19. woow vilka tapeter! vilket skåp! jag dör nästan

    jag och en vän håller på med ett dockskåpsprojekt nu , och undrar lite vart man får tag på såna här , vet du? du verkar vara lite av en dockskåpsexpert :)

  20. raquel: jag är verkligen ingen expert, jag bara råkar har en mamma med ett gammalt dockskåp. jag brukar springa på liknande dockskåp ganska ofta i secondhandaffärer, så kolla där och kanske blocket?

  21. tack för tipset , ska kolla! har sett på tradera ibland , men aldrig nåt som varit i göteborg

  22. I love this dollhouse it reminds me of the one my mum used to have :)

  23. Oh please consider printing a postcard series for the shop with these wonderful photos. Yay to fint fint fint!

  24. How cool is this house? We have a fabulous big house and both my kids just telling me they want a real one just like this! The feature they are interested in is the staircase (unlike me who like everything else)!


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