




Den senaste veckan har jag varit förlamad av framtidsångest (vad ska jag göra i höst?), musarm och förkylning. Igår mådde jag lite bättre och tog mig ut till Västra hamnen på eftermiddagen. Solen och kaffet hjälpte nog lite för stunden, men idag mår jag sämre igen. Suck.

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The past week I have been paralyzed by anxiety for the future (what should I do in the fall?), "mouse arm" and a cold. Yesterday I finally got out of the apartment and sat in the sun in the West Harbor for a while. It was really nice, but today I'm feeling worse again. Sigh.


  1. agh, i know that friend anxiety all to well. i hope you feel better soon!

  2. can i ask what 'mouse arm' is? is this when your wrist and arm aches from over-use on the computer? if so, i suffer from this terribly!!

  3. PinkBow: exactly! but for me it's my fingers, wrist, entire arm and shoulder blade...

  4. I totally know that feeling. I'm having a hard time deciding which career path I want to go down. Are you graduating or something?

  5. Ah what a beautiful place to sit. No wonder it made you feel better. But I do hope today's down feeling passes soon. I am glad you have shared it with us. Having a down day is totally normal and hope you feel the support of all your blog fans.

  6. Just hang in there. It will come to you, you'll see!

  7. what a beautiful and peaceful view

  8. I know the feeling all too well!
    Know that in the end, things will be alright
    (& i'm sure that beautiful view helps too! I always find a walk by the beach helps clear my head)
    Hope things are looking brighter


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