
family photo album I





När jag var hemma hos mormor sist hittade jag min morfars pappa Victors fotoalbum. Alla bilderna är helt fantastiska. Jag har ingen aning om vilka de flesta människorna är, men på sista uppslaget är det hans syster Alma och ett av de fosterbarn som de tog hand om. Jag visar fler bilder imorgon.

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When I last visited my grandmother I found my great grandfather Victor's photo album. I love every single photo in it. I have no idea who most of the people are, but on the last spread is his sister Alma and one of their foster children. I'll show you more photos tomorrow.


  1. what a wonderful and precious album! the second to last photo almost looks like a drawing.

  2. What a wonderful find! I love that feeling of leafing through an old photo album stuffed with snapshots of people you don't know but who might be related to you... looking forward to seeing more!

  3. how wonderful! I love such pictures ...

  4. i wish i had photos like this of my family, they're great.
    i loved going through suitcases of old photos at a flea market when i was in Brussels. i have no idea who any of the people are but that's what made them kind of interesting.

    and i received my print yesterday, should be on my wall very soon!


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