





Idag packade jag printar och vykort i fem timmar i sträck och kunde hållit på lika länge till om inte kuverten tagit slut. Utanför vräkte regnet ner, i koppen hade jag en kardemummalatte och ur datorn strömmade Iron & Wines nyaste.

Fortsätt hjälpa Japan.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Today I packed prints and postcards for five hours straight. If I hadn't run out of envelopes I would have kept going for five more - the amount of orders is really overwhelming. Outside the rain was pouring down, in my cup I had a cardamom latte and streaming from the computer was Iron & Wine's latest album.

Keep helping Japan.


  1. I am eagerly awaiting my prints! Your work is beautiful.

  2. i just ordered. this is such a great idea.

  3. thanks for working so hard to help japan! i'm excited for my prints to come in the mail soon. :)

  4. You´re doing such a good work Hilda ^^

  5. wonderful.
    i did link back to your shop on my fb account. loved ur idea of helping at least in this way!
    yes, keep helping japan please!!!
    the postcards i ordered will get a special spot in my appartment :)

  6. your idea is sincerely amazing, can i make a link to your postcard on my blog?

  7. Elsker bildene dine. De er kjempefine!

  8. Thank you for your initiative Hilda. I've just ordered 3 pictures. Please let us know how much money you'll be able to donate ultimately. Thank you again. /++/ camille

  9. Wee! I can't wait to get mine! I'm so happy you set up this shop to help Japan. :)

  10. The postcards will go in a special spot in my apartment as well. This is a great initiative, my heart breaks for Japan when I see the devastation. Good luck with the packing, and thank you for doing such important work!

  11. Everything looks so tidy - you have a great workspace!

  12. Makes me excited to receive mine! Such a brilliant initiative - I am so glad you have had such a brilliant response. x

  13. Efficiant! I love your work space in these photos :) Great light and space!

    - Kira


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