
today's loot







Första loppmarknaden för säsongen besökte jag idag och kom hem med detta: En låda med fina tändsticksaskar, en rulle bomull i fantastisk förpackning, en skokrämsask, fem böcker att göra klockor av, en Nils Johan-knäckebrödslåda, en fin kryddburk, en Zoegasburk, en ram, ett munspel, en skylt för öppettider och en kökstimer. Ett helt okej byte!

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Today I visited the first flea market of the season and brought back the following: A box of pretty matchboxes, cotton in wonderful packaging, a shoeshine tin, five books to turn into clocks, a crispbread box, a spice jar, a coffee tin, a frame, a harmonica, a store sign for opening hours and a kitchen time. A pretty okay loot!


  1. how big is your flat??=D great things!
    greetings from Czech Rep.

  2. Vilka roliga och fina grejor! Såg nyss dina klockböcker. Så fina!

  3. quite a booty, i agree. i especially like the second picture. matte paper is great.

  4. What great loot! I am actually a new resident of Malmö and would love to know what flea markets you go to and where! Could you help?

  5. Katie: this was "Stans största prylmarknad", a flea market that happens once a year. It's open until 3 pm today if you want to go! It's at Europaporten/Stadionmässan and there is a 30 SEK entrance fee.

  6. Your blog is beautiful, I will add you to my bloglist :)

  7. what great finds! better than "pretty okay" they are wonderful!

  8. amazing finds. the design and colors are fantastic.

  9. wow you sure can find the right things.
    Just found your blog and spend some time enjoying it.

  10. love the things that you found on the flea market, especially the frame and cute kitchen time!!


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