





Tusen tack för alla gratulationer jag fick i fredags! Jag hade en superhelg med mina föräldrar. På lördagen fick jag med mig pappa på loppis en stund, sen gick vi på stan och åt lunch i solen på Lilla torg, beundrade de blomklädda gräsmattorna på Gamla kyrkogården, finfikade hemma hos mig och promenerade i Västra hamnen i solnedgången.

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Thank you so much for all your sweet birthday wishes! I had a great weekend with my parents. On Saturday we went shopping and had both fika and lunch outside in the sun after a quick flea market visit, admired the flower covered grass at the Old cemetery, had afternoon fika in my kitchen and took a walk in the West Harbor as the sun set.


  1. Wow look at those flowers! So gorgeous! So glad you had a lovely birthday. :)

  2. How beautiful! Glad to hear you had a good time!

  3. love the plates! nice saturday...

  4. What gorgeous pictures!
    Seeing all the water makes me excited for swimming this summer.

  5. Your days always show to be so inspirational through your lens...and Happy belated birthday, hope it was fabulous.

  6. beautiful pictures! I love the scillas, the plates and the wonderful sea!

  7. Fist of all, I just started reading your blog (well like 3 weeks ago) and is amazing. There's inpiration anywhere you look at it.

    2nd- Happy Birthday!! Best wishes for you.

    3rd- Today photos are great, specially the first and second one!!

    And last.... again: Happy Birthday

    - Erika

  8. Åh jag blir så avundsjuk på vilken otrolig skillnad det är mellan ditt Malmö och Skåne och mitt Nyköping och Södermanland i väder, vind och temperatur! Här står våren fortfarande och trampar och är gråkall, men snart så...! Fantastiska bilder btw, som vanligt. Kramar K

  9. That view of the deck and beach made my evening. Wish I was there. PS- Happy belated birthday! Please don't ever stop posting.

    How's your day?

  10. such love-ly pics. i recently found your blog, and really enjoy your posts! may i ask if "fika" is tea?
    Happy Bday wishes to you!!!

  11. Underbart ljus! Gillar verkligen andra bilden skarpt! Mvh! J

  12. This is my favourite place in Malmö. Mon petit front de mer.

    I was there in february. No more ice in the sea now.
    I go back to Malmö next week.
    I'm really happy.

  13. such gorgeous photos! those plates are so lovely. and the oceanside looks beautiful.
    happy belated :)

  14. such gorgeous photos! those plates are so lovely. and the oceanside looks beautiful.
    happy belated :)

  15. I'm loving the last pictures, can't wait to discover Malmö !


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