
bananas & ducklings





In the next few days I will post all the photos from Easter I never had time to show you. On Easter Sunday, my sister and I enjoyed the year's first barbecue in Pildammsparken. We went all out and grilled sausages, bananas with chocolate and marshmallows. A litter of very cute ducklings and six (!) frogs kept us company. Later on, Sanna and Ben joined us and we sat there talking until the sun was long gone and we started to get cold.

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De närmsta dagarna kommer ni få se de bilder från påskhelgen som jag inte hunnit visa er. På påskdagen hade jag och min syster grillpremiär i Pildammsparken. Vi slog på stort och grillade korv, banan med choklad och marshmallows. En kull väldigt söta andungar och minst sex (!) grodor gjorde oss sällskap. Senare kom Sanna och Ben och vi satt och pratade tills solen hade gått ner och det började bli kyligt.


  1. such a beautiful place!
    and those bananas with chocolate..yuum! great idea, i have to try them!:)

  2. Those ducklings are so sweet! Our local baby geese just hatched too and I enjoy watching them while I go on my runs. I found your blog recently and I am just enamored with your photography - Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those bananas with chocolate look amazing!

  4. i only just heard of grilling/roasting bananas with chocolate (and marshmallows!) the other day. definitely something i'm trying this summer!

  5. What a perfect day! I love the idea of grilling bananas with chocolate inside them! Yum!

  6. Underbart! Gick hela påsken i "trekvartisar" och man trodde ju att det var sommar redan nu. :) Fina bilder! MVh! J

  7. finfint! Påminner mig om mina picknickar i Slottskogen i GBG under studenttiden.... vill grilla banan med choklad - nu! Kanske kan grilla på balkongen...

  8. Ohhhh, I want a day just like this!!

  9. Oh my - those bananas look incredible!

  10. I love the smoke in the first photo. Beautiful! I hope to grill bananas on my next picnic. Thank you for the inspiration!

  11. Ummm... chocolate bananas!

  12. Oh my gawd at that banana and chocolate!! Delish.

    You Are My Favorite

  13. Those ducklings are darling! What a great idea with that little portable barbeque, too! Is that Marabou chocolate?!?! (it's only the best in the world!)

  14. Did you make this grill yourself? And if so, how? This is so cute.

  15. OMG! I love bananas in any presentation... But that banana chocolate grilled combination is something I have never seen. Recipe is a must!


  16. So sweet. So familiar. So Scandinavian!


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