
sisters & sunsets







More Easter loveliness. My sister and I spent Saturday night in the West Harbor where we shared an Italian pizza, ate gelato and watched the sunset. I know, I know, I feel like I have posted a million photos of my sister lately, but she happens to be my favorite person and she's just so pretty!

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Ännu mer fina påskstunder fångade på bild. Min syster och jag tillbringade lördagkvällen i Västra hamnen, där vi delade på en italiensk pizza, åt gelato och tittade på solnedgången. Jo jag vet, det känns som att jag postat en miljon bilder av Agnes på sistone, men hon råkar vara min favoritperson och så är hon ju så snygg!


  1. Oh my, love the cleanliness and crispness of the photographs. Screams summer to me!

  2. man får det. jag har också en favoritperson som heter agnes och är min syster (dessvärre bor vi i olika städer så jag bara önskar att jag hade fler bilder att posta på henne).

  3. that is the loveliest thing you said about your sister. beautiful photographs. x

  4. This looks like such a perfect day.

  5. Pizza and ice cream overlooking the water? Perfection!

  6. summer days can't get better than having ice cream and pizza while overlooking the water!

  7. Amazing light! I've been to the Harbour in Malmo too. We visited a friend in Lund and she took us there. The Turning Torso was pretty crazy. We visited the little ice cream shop too… it had a mighty big queue.

    You live in a beautiful part of the World.

  8. It has been so cold the last couple of days in California, but these photos make me look forward to the warm days soon to come!

    The pizza looks delicious!

  9. Sooo gorgeous. I'm dying for some real soft is and those long Scandinavian summer nights!

  10. Wow... how could you get such sharp and wonderful colors?

    may i take a peek of your workflow in the digital darkroom? :)


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