
elaina & mark












Finally, here are the photos I took of Elaina and Mark in Copenhagen on their wedding day back in April. They suggested we take the portraits at Kastrup sea bath, and how could I say no! Such a cool structure. They got married at Rådhuset, and as I walked around before the ceremony I saw the Danish flags and just had to have them stand under one of them. This was a really fun session and it's nice to know that it's no problem for me to instruct couples in English!

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Här är äntligen bilderna jag tog av Elaina och Mark i Köpenhamn på deras bröllopsdag i april. De föreslog att vi skulle ta porträtten på Kastrup Søbad och det kunde jag ju absolut inte säga nej till! Visst är det en häftig byggnad? Vigseln hölls på Rådhuset, och när jag gick runt lite innan vigseln såg jag de danska flaggorna och var bara tvungen att ta en bild med paret under en av dem. Jag hade väldigt roligt när jag fotograferade dem och det är skönt att veta att jag inte har några problem med att instruera människor på engelska!


  1. i wonder that you spoke english. i always thought that swedish is very close to danish?

  2. Alltså åh vad dunderjättefint!

  3. she is gorgeous.. and your photography beautiful as always..

  4. these are just lovely! you have done a wonderful job...I really like that the bride is wearing black tights...I don't know why but I just do! :)

  5. very beautiful. i like their clearness.

  6. What a lovely couple! You photographed them beautifully. She is gorgeous as well- love her style!

  7. Elaina and Mark are my good friends. Like most of their Canadian friends, I wasn't able to make the wedding in Copenhagen.

    Those of us over here are SO grateful for having been able to experience the event through your beautiful photos, Hilda. You did an amazing job truly capturing the two of them as the lovely couple that they are. Thank you thank you thank you!

  8. du gjorde ett helt fantastiskt jobb. jag undrar: vi ska (förmodligen, om allt gár som vi tänker) gifta oss om ca 2 ár. hur tidigt borde vi vara ute för att boka dig som fotograf?

  9. These photographs are so beautiful, really charming and quirky but classy too. I love wedding photography that helps show the character of the couple. Amazing.

    Laura, heartsofsand

  10. gud vilka fina bilder! och vilket fint brudpar!


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