
2011 recap: april






In April, I spent my birthday weekend with my parents in Malmö, Skanör and Falsterbo, I took one of my favorite wedding photos (of Elaina & Mark) in Copenhagen, had friends over for carrot cake fika, spent Easter break with my sister enjoying the amazing weather, barbecueing in a park, tanning on the beach and eating strawberries and finally spent the last weekend at my summer house working.


  1. Ååååh chokladbananer! Det är ju så tusans tusans gott! Sommarnostalgi ^^ Fina bilder förresten.

  2. Chocolate and bananas.... GLUPS!
    I love this picture! And the first too! And all of them...

  3. Such an honour! I love all the other photos too, especially the ones of the table from above.

    Happy holiday to you!

  4. Those roasted bananas look delicious!

  5. I'm loving this recap! I've been following your blog for months but never left a comment :) Now I've nominated you the Liebster blog award. http://nuresma.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/liebster-award/
    Just wanted you to know :)
    Happy holidays!

  6. Hi, I just found your blog today and I wish I had known about you before I got married! I *love* the picture above of the couple balancing.

    Your photos are gorgeous - I would say have a look at my blog and see if you would like to follow me back but I am very much an amateur at photos still (although I too blog about thrifting, vintage and things that inspire me!).

  7. Love the recap! That wedding photo is one of my favourites too and I love the chocolate in the banana! Awesome idea!

  8. chocolate IN the banana? hmmmm...


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