
2011 recap: january






Here we go. A recap of 2011 with five photos per month. My year started in Tokyo, walking, eating, shopping, photographing, loving it. When I got back I had a mini Christmas celebration with my parents. The rest of January was spent editing Japan photos (and I'm not even done yet), setting up my company and eating semlor with my sister who visited me for a week. In Tokyo, it was sunny every day. Back in Sweden I had to wait two weeks (!) to see the sun again. I feel like I just got back from Tokyo, I can't believe it's been a year. Was your year as short as mine?


  1. Oh I envy you so much.. I'm looking forward to visit Japan, I hope in 2012..
    Those pictures you shared are so simple, relaxing and beautiful... Thank you for sharing them.

    The same feeling for me about 2011... I started the year in Sweden where a was for holidays, then I still lived in Zürich for a couple of months, before we settled in Berlin...
    During the past weeks, I though that I did so much this year but at the same time it was so too fast and I feel like January 2011 was only two months ago.. Un coup de vent

  2. that cream bun and the light coming into your apartment is just perfect.

  3. Men hur snyggt bor du mänska?
    (såg inte svaret på detta i FAQ:))

  4. Hi there! I'm in Canada (Banff, Alberta) and just found your blog tonight. These pastry photos... they are too much! :-) Have you ever tried to make them yourself? If so, do you have a recipe you'd care to share?


I read and appreciate all your comments, thank you so much!
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