
thrifted recently + an idea







Things I got at the flea market this weekend and in Stockholm: Tin cans (the one on the far right is my all-time favorite), two Gefle plates, boxes (though the prettiest ones in the photo are Andrea's, as she saw them first...), more books to turn into clocks, a little make-up bag, nicely packaged plastic bags and weird "freezing boxes" which I think I'll use as gift boxes. I got more things but they deserve their own posts.

For a long time I've been toying with the idea of opening up a little vintage shop (on Etsy or as a section in my shop), where I'd sell things like these - some that I already have and some that I want to buy for myself but don't have room for. What do you think? Would you buy from it? What kind of things do you think I should sell? A lot of things I find/buy aren't in perfect condition, does that matter to you?

Sånt jag köpte på helgens loppis och sånt jag köpt i Stockholm: Ett gäng plåtburkar (den högra är min bästa någonsin, för 15 ynka spänn!), två Gefle-tallrikar, lådor (de finaste är dock Andreas, hon hittade dem först...), fler böcker att göra klockor av, en liten sminkväska, fint förpackade plastpåsar och knasiga fryskartonger som jag tänker ha som presentkartonger. Jag köpte ytterligare några saker som förtjänar egna inlägg.

Jag har länge funderat på att öppna en liten vintage-del i min shop eller på Etsy, där jag skulle sälja saker som de här - både sånt jag redan har och sånt jag vill köpa själv men inte har plats för. Vad tror ni om det? Skulle ni köpa något? Vad för slags saker skulle ni vilja se i så fall? Mycket av det jag hittar/köper är inte i perfekt skick, spelar det någon roll för er?


  1. Yes! More of those tins :)They are gorgeous and hard to find in the US. --best, Rebecca

  2. Yes - sometimes the imperfections add character; unless something is actually broken, I wouldn't mind.

  3. I love the tin cans and I would buy them all from your shop. I think vintage is supposed to not be in perfect condition, that's the charm of it all. And with your taste in things, your new endeavor would be a success. Good luck!

  4. i would absolutely buy it,
    because you always post the most amazing finds.

  5. Ååå ja absolut!
    Kan ja bara fråga vilken marknad det är du köper dina saker? Är det i Malmö?

  6. I'v been quite an admirer of everything you thrift, and you definitely have a great eye for finding amazing stuff... So i'd obviously love to see you adding vintage stuff to your shop...

  7. Ville bara säga att jag äälskar tanken på att det finns någon som har kommit på en sådan briljant återvinningsidé, med alla gamla fina bokpärmar menar jag. Jag inser att din idé har funnits ett tag... :) Men jag har aldrig fått tummen ur för att berömma den! Check!

    Och idén med vintageförsäljningen är såklart bra, men tyvärr springer jag på alldeles för många loppisar själv. Skåpen bågnar. :) Men jag tycker mycket om att komma in här och SE på dina fynd! T ex.; Starkrosa, eller ska man kanske kalla det cerise? rosor på svart botten, DET är så fint.


  8. Yes please! You find such wonderful things that I just don't think I could ever find here. I love those tins (and I agree, the one on the right is my favorite.)

  9. These are lovely vintage items that aren't always easy to come across, so a little shop would be lovely! Gwynethxo

  10. Those tins are so lovely! Please do open a shop, I can't get back to Norway often enough, so it'd be great to source real Scandinavian vintage from an Etsy shop! :)

  11. How is it even possible to thrift so many nice things! I have to dig through local thrift stores for days to find stuff as awesome as this!

  12. i think a vintage shop would be perfect...i always covet the gorgeous stuff you find! if only flea markets were that good over in canada, sigh. <33

  13. I love that idea! Perfection is overrated. :) And I agree with other commenters, the things you find are real treasures over here in the US. :)

  14. beautiful photos. wow. thrifting never looked so good - or in such good shape, especially the tins. though my heart lies with those plates. the precise, immaculate detail makes me drool.

  15. I would really love the oppurtunity to buy some of the things you thrifted, you have an amazing sense of beauty. And I would especially like to buy stuff like the tins ...

  16. YES! I would totally buy some of your thrifted treasures!

  17. yes! you some some amazing patterns over there so anything like that. the books you find would sell very well, they are amazing.

  18. I agree. You should open a vintage section on your shop or on ETSY. I think your thrifted treasures from Sweden will be a big hit. To me vintage does not have to be perfect. The wear and tear on these pieces tell a story and that's what many people look for.

  19. I will say go for the etsy vintage one!!! I will be your first customer i think

  20. if you like flea markets, you should visit warsaw (in poland) - every weekend in one of the district named koło (it's 'the circle' in polish, haha) there's really big flea market with looooots of stuff: books, cameras, furniture, glass, cutlery and whatever else you want :)

    happy sunday, hilda! :)

  21. Dear Hilda, I think you should do it! The people seem to love the style of your apartment - so a shop with hand picked goods might be a success :) I would definitely buy some nice scandinavian tableware.

  22. Yes, yes, yes! Brilliant idea.

    I would especially love to see vintage textiles and dishes in such a shop.

  23. Yum I love those patterned tins and jars! I love vintage tins and have a little collection myself :) x

  24. Totally do it. I have a shop on Etsy and the beauty is there are buyers for whatever and in whatever condition. Just be totally honest and descriptive of the condition and you will have no worries. Best to you!

  25. Omg! Great finds!


  26. var hittar du alla dina fantastiska fynd?


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