
happy place

Let's take a break from NYC photos for a few days. I'm in my happy place for the week, my family's summer house on the west coast. I'm here to work but I try to enjoy my hours off as much as I can. All photos taken with my iPhone through Instagram.

Nu tar vi en paus från New York-bilder några dagar. Jag är på mitt bästa ställe den här veckan, min släkts sommarstuga på västkusten. Jag är här för att jobba men försöker njuta av mina lediga timmar så mycket det går. Alla bilder är tagna med min iPhone genom Instagram.


  1. So so SO very beautiful. Your blog is now officially my favorite :-)

  2. pretty! that looks like such a good working holiday... :)

  3. So pretty photos!! Very inspiring :)

  4. The 4th one down - the lake/sea photo looks so relaxing and peaceful. What a fabulous place to have access to for a break and to do some work! Must be quite inspiring.

  5. you're so lucky to have a place like this! A dream for me.

  6. These photos make my heart happy :)

  7. These are so lovely! Very curious about how you got rectangular pictures on instagram, though.

  8. All of these images are so calm and warm. I am in much need of a visit to the coast!

  9. Every shot is utterly beautiful. What a wonderful holiday home - thanks for sharing these!
    I just love the light that you've captured.
    Ronnie xo

  10. Wow! Lovely pics! How did you get them to be so large with good resolution, if I may ask?

  11. This is an awesome place! Beautiful photos.

  12. första bilden är så härlig. somrig och som sockerdricka i magen.
    tack för din blogg! ger inspiration med alla glada färger, ljus och detaljer!


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