
wedding : christine & max : preview

.3074 .1723 .2243 I went to bed on Saturday with cheesecake between my toes, campfire smell in my hair and joy in my heart, thankful to have such great friends across an ocean. I wish I could show you all the photos from this day right now, but these few will have to do for now.

I lördags somnade jag med cheesecake mellan tårna, lägereldslukt i håret och glädje i hjärtat, tacksam över att ha så fina vänner på andra sidan Atlanten. Helst skulle jag vilja visa alla bilderna från dagen nu på direkten, men de här får räcka så länge.


  1. love love love them all Hilde! You did such a great job! Can't wait to see the rest!

  2. Yay! I'm impressed that you put some pictures up so quickly. They are beautiful!

  3. What a gorgeous wedding!Sounds romantic!And cute couple!


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