
japan randoms II

.8115 .8424 .8969 .8245 .8449 .8972 .9171 More random shots from Japan. Can you tell I was kind of hungry when I selected these? (Also, that's Mount Fuji covered in clouds to the right in the second shot. I mean, as if you couldn't tell.)

Fler random bilder från Japan. Märks det att jag var hungrig när jag valde ut dessa? (Det är Mount Fuji som gömmer sig under molnen till höger i andra bilden. Fast det såg ni väl själva. Hm.)


  1. Gorgeous photos, and you made me hungry too! /maria

  2. De verkar så himla bra på förpackningar i det landet!

  3. Oh, all that pretty packaging on the first picture - lovely!

  4. I love these! Did you buy all of those cute things in the first picture purely for the packaging? he he that's something I would (do) do ha ha!

  5. Love these examples of Japanese typography - both on the packaging and on buildings. Gorgeous photos, as usual :)

  6. this post makes me hungry too!
    i like the way you portrait japan.

  7. Sushi!! <3 I wish I could visit Japan soon.

  8. I love your Japan pics! They give me the travel fever and make me want to go on holiday!

  9. every time i come to your blog, i become a bigger fan of yours. your pictures are beautifull, and your comments, (at least to me) are so tender, simple and lovely.

    i wish i would get married!! i would certainly invite you to Uruguay to take the pictures!!

  10. You made it again. Allways, with your Japan-pictures. You made me miss Japan so much. It feels almoust painfull but warm and good at the same time too.
    Thank You!

  11. Savner Japan veldig når jeg ser dine fine bilder. Fikk lyst på fresh makiroll forran Fujifjellet akkurat nå!!:D
    Jeg har forresten vært på toppen av Fujifjellet. Anbefales om du ikke har vært der.


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