
nyc leftovers, part II

.5900 .6091 .6067 .6312 .5785 .6133 .6233 .6244 Look how green it was! And flowering! You can see the rest of my photos from last year's trip in the category "USA".

Se så grönt det var! Och blommande! Ni hittar resten av bilderna från förra årets resa i kategorin "USA".


  1. WOW! Sikke nogle fantastiske billeder! :-D Hold nu op, hvor ser det dog skønt ud, gid det var mig!

    / Signe

  2. So stunning! New York has the best vibe regardless of the season :)

  3. love all the pic you took!
    but the coffee thing was stealing my attention the most

  4. Hi!

    I've just found your blog through tumblr, your photos are really beautiful :)


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