
recent present future

.0887 .0500 .0864 .0911 I never meant to be as vague and secretive about what I'm up to as I've been the past year. I'm just not sure how personal I want this blog to be. Anyway, here's what's happening now. Last week I left my job and the life I've led in Oslo for the past seven months. It was always meant to be for just a little while and I never expected to like it much, to make friends and to miss it afterwards, but that's what happened. The first thing I did when I got back to Sweden was cut all my hair off, which led to a small identity crisis but now I'm starting to feel comfortable in it.

For the summer I'll be staying at my parents' house and working on different projects. Two of those are starting up my shop again to let my book clocks make a comeback, and finally opening up an Etsy vintage shop which I'm really excited about. I really need to de-clutter my life, so a lot of the things I had in my previous apartment in Malmö will be for sale. I have a couple of weddings booked as well, but I would love to shoot more - email me for quotes and details! What I will do after the summer is yet to be determined, I'll tell you when I know. I intend to post here a lot more often from now on, I hope you'll come along!

Pictured above - 1: Market candy, iced coffee and a new book on the porch today before the rain came. 2: Olle, the person who was in my friend Annika's belly. I can't wait to get to know him more. 3: I blew up old photo booth photos of my parents from when they got together at age 17 and had them printed on aluminum plates. 4: My new 'do. I really need to get a wider lens...

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Det är inte meningen att vara så här vag och hemlighetsfull med vad jag egentligen har för mig. Det är så svårt att veta hur personlig man vill vara i en sånhär kanal. Hur som helst, det här är vad som händer nu. Förra veckan slutade jag mitt jobb och lämnade det lilla liv jag levt i Oslo de senaste sju månaderna. Det var alltid menat som en tillfällig grej och jag väntade mig aldrig att tycka om det, att få vänner och sakna det i efterhand. Men så blev det. Det första jag gjorde när jag kom hem till Sverige var att klippa håret rackarns kort. Det ledde till en mindre identitetskris men nu börjar jag känna mig som mig själv igen.

I sommar kommer jag att bo hemma hos mina föräldrar och syssla med olika projekt. Två av dem är att öppna shopen igen och låta bokklockorna få göra comeback, och att äntligen starta en vintagebutik på Etsy! Jag har alldeles. för. mycket. saker. så mycket av det jag hade i min etta i Malmö kommer finnas till salu. Jag har också några bröllop bokade men vill gärna fota fler - maila mig för priser och info! Vad som händer till hösten är ännu inte helt bestämt, jag berättar när jag vet. Den här bloggen har jag tänkt lägga mer tid och kraft på nu framöver, hoppas ni följer med!

På bilderna ovan - 1: Marknadskarameller, iskaffe och en ny bok på terrassen idag innan regnet kom. 2: Fina Olle, det lilla livet som gömde sig i min vän Annikas mage. 3: Förstorade gamla fotoboxbilder på mina föräldrar i 17-årsåldern, upptryckta på aluminiumplattor. 4: Min nya frisyr.


  1. Ilove your new hair do! looks great and fresh. You remind me of an american actress, who plays Emma in The Following. Valorie something.

    Can't wait to see your pics. I miss those pics you took of your old apartment in Malmo, the light, oh my, and your vintage stuff.
    Nice to have you back on the blog more often.

    have a nice weekend!
    Vix - Argentina

  2. Looking forward to see your etsy shop :^)

  3. YAY! Im glad that you will blog more often now! I am such a fan of your photos. I am studying photography (part-time) and your blog is such a source of inspiration! Love the new hair!!

  4. In love with this photos.
    Greetings from Slovenia.


  5. All exciting stuff! Glad you'll be dropping in more here :)

  6. I love your new haircut; it's quite similar to mine. Looking forward to your ETSY vintage shop.--Christine

  7. i will surely appreciate if you post more :)

  8. a) so glad you're back! but also sad that you're leaving a lot of goodness behind.

    b) those candies look AMAZING. what are they called?! i need to track them down somehow...

    c) your mum + dad look so happy in those photos - what a great idea to blow them up like that! :)

    d) your hair looks SOOO GOOD!!! oh man. you made a great choice! no regrets, right? haha.

  9. I want to see more hair pictures, you look great!
    We're trying to get my dad to go on a trip with my sister and I and Sweden is high on the list.

  10. those photobooth photos of your parents are amazing! cannot wait to see your etsy store ;) and your haircut looks gorgeous

  11. vad fint att du är "tillbaka"! har saknat din blogg, blir så himla inspirerad av dina underbara foton!

  12. sooo talented!! denna qvinna!! denna granne!! ser frame mot att träffa dig i sommar!!
    //hon på älvs. ettan

  13. Like your new haircut ! Lovely...

  14. Hilda I have read you for the longest time and this seem to be the bravest and most confident you've been with ... everything: independence, working on your own, leaving your hair and friends behind. Don't stop nor look back. You are a colorful and exciting human being. Everything will fall in place in do time.
    Congrats on the bravery of choices :)


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