
june light

.2016 .2024 .2042 .2050 .2073 .2036 .2027 .2071 There is nothing quite like June nights in Sweden. Though July is often warmer and the days feel more summery, the nights are nowhere near as long as in June. June air is fresher and the nature is greener. These photos were taken at and around my family's summer house on a clear night a month ago. Now, the lupins have wilted and 11 pm is much darker than in these shots. How can June always be so short?

Juniljuset liknar inget annat. Juli bjuder ju oftast på varmare väder och somrigare dagar, men juninätterna alltså. Jag tog de här bilderna vid vår sommarstuga en molnfri kväll för en månad sedan. Nu finns det inga lupiner kvar på ängen och klockan elva på kvällen är det betydligt mörkare än på de här bilderna. Juni är alltid alldeles för kort.


  1. Wonderful light, I also enjoy June here in Barcelona as the temperature is warm but not as hot as it is right now. The shots were made at 11pm? amazing clearness :)

    The cat, you and us

  2. Wow, the lighting of these pictures is beautiful. Love this!

  3. Oh wow, I'm in love with your pictures! Such a great atmosphere :)

  4. your family's summer house seems amazing :-) these photos are really wonderful.

  5. Beautifully captured, especially the second shot. <3

  6. This is really wonderful. I will have to visit Sweden one day to truly appreciate this in person. Thank you for so many wonderful pictures.


  7. These pictures are so, so beautiful. I immediatly fell in love with them! I'm so happy I found you! :)

  8. what a climate! amazing *.*


  9. Breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you for the inspiration.

  10. Absolutely gorgeous, so glad to have stumbled across these. x Makes me want to move to Sweden even more.



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