
settling in

.4890 .4860 .4873 .4851 .4879 .4857 .4899 .4838 .4886 .4885 During this unplanned month-long blogging hiatus, I enjoyed the last weeks of summer and more importantly I moved to Gothenburg. It feels so good to be here! I'm slowly settling in in my apartment and in my new neighborhood. Last week I started a two year photography program that I'm really excited about. I just wanted to stop in and share these quick sneak peeks I snapped at home and on the way from school the other day. (Yes, I get to ride a ferry boat to school every day!) More soon!

Under den här oplanerade bloggpausen har jag hunnit med en hel del, varav det mest spännande är att jag har flyttat till Göteborg. Jag börjar långsamt komma tillrätta i min lägenhet och i mina nya kvarter i Majorna. Förra veckan började jag på ett tvåårigt yrkesfotografprogram på Fotoskolan Göteborg, väldigt spännande. Jag ville bara säga hej och ge er en liten sneak peek på mitt liv genom några snabba bilder jag tog hemma och på väg från skolan (japp, jag får ta färjan till skolan varje dag!) häromdagen. Mer snart!


  1. Oh! I've been waiting for the post about your new flat! It already looks great!

  2. Finally! We get to see your new apartment! It looks amazing, of course. Congratulations on the new photography course!

  3. Your house looks incredible. Looking forward to seeing more!

  4. good luck with your program - it sounds great!
    love your new place!

  5. Your apartment looks cozy. Good luck with the photography program!

  6. I love the look of your home. So cosy and personal. Good luck with the photography program, these already look great.

  7. Dina fina bilder får mig att sakna Göteborg, världens bästa stad... Lyllos dej som får bo där! ;)

  8. oh, it looks like you've got a great place! and lucky you to get a ferry ride each day to school - so cool! :)

  9. oh, i love it! i hope everything goes well in it :-)
    so much beautiful light in these <3

  10. underbart att höra att du landat :)
    england är grått o kallt (brrr brrr)

    kram rebbe

  11. glad to see this update! always have enjoyed your blog.

  12. Välkommen till Göteborg och lycka till med din utbildning. Alltid spännande att se dina bilder!

  13. Wow amazing place i can't imagine the place like this..Each picture shows the beauty and you have admired every place..wonderful one..Thanks for sharing..

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  14. Gosh, congratulations! So many lovely things on the horizon for you...

  15. Stolt att se sin favoritbloggare i sin stad! Har du hamnat i finaste Majorna tom??

  16. beautiful photos. your new home looks nice and cosy!


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