



Turkisk yoghurt med hallon och kokos piggar upp i det gråa vädret, särskilt serverat i glasskål med rosensked. De senaste veckorna har jag fått sån fantastisk respons genom kommentarer och mail. Jag uppskattar verkligen era snälla ord, tack så mycket!

Afternoon snack: Turkish yoghurt with raspberries and shredded coconut. When I ate it, I almost forgot the gray weather outside. The response I've gotten through comments and emails the past few weeks has been overwhelming. Your kind words mean a lot to me, thank you!


  1. Hi! I just found your blog via decor8 and I am very happy she mentioned you as blog of the week! Your photos are beautiful!

  2. so i've been browing around your wonderful blog for a while and i must say they are quite excellent :) thank you for your wonderful work! hope all is well!

  3. Underbara foton! Jag upptäckte just din blogg och jag kommer definitivt tillbaka :)

  4. my grand mother has just the same spoon! She live in Belgium.


I read and appreciate all your comments, thank you so much!
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