
laxvik by night





I söndags kom resten av sommarpersonalen och nu har sommaren verkligen kommit igång. Häromkvällen tog jag, min syster och Anna en promenad ner till Laxvik för att sitta på klipporna en stund. Det är här jag kommer tillbringa största delen av min lediga tid i sommar.

On Sunday the rest of the summer staff arrived and now summer has really kicked off. The other night, my sister, Anna and I took a walk to Laxvik to sit on the cliffs for a while. This is where I'll be spending most of my free time this summer.


  1. wow the landscape is absolutely breathtaking!

  2. beautiful and rugged... i can't wait til the day i experience my first summer solstice up in Scandinavia...One day..

  3. So beautiful! What a wonderful spot to escape to. :-)

  4. i wish there was a place like this around me so i could hike to it... you are lucky!

  5. that last shot is brilliant! i love that a lot!

  6. these pictures are absolutely lovely!

  7. Nice pics specially the sea image.
    cute blog


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