
frosty monday




Insnöade lärare gjorde måndagen till en ledig dag. Så passande att jag fick med mig mina morföräldrars frostiga dessertskålar hem från Småland. I mammas barndom serverades chokladpudding i dem, vi får väl se vad jag ska ha dem till. Idag har jag svarat på mail, tittat på filmer på internet, ätit clementiner, gjort världens enklaste fudge (återkommer med recept och bilder) och njutit av att få vara inne när snön yr utanför fönstret. Nu sjunger Frank Sinatra julsånger för mig och jag ska springa till köket och hämta en pepparkaka. Hoppas att ni har haft en lika bra måndag som jag. Tack för era fina kommentarer på förra inlägget!

Snowed in teachers made this Monday into a day off. How fitting that my mom gave me these frosty dessert bowls from her childhood to take home. My grandmother served chocolate pudding in them, we'll see what I use them for. Today I have replied to emails, watched movies online, had clementines, made the world's easiest fudge (recipe and photos coming soon) and enjoyed being inside while the snow was whirling outside. Right now Frank Sinatra is singing Christmas songs to me and I'm going to run to the kitchen for a gingerbread cookie. I hope your Monday was as good as mine. Thanks for all your kind comments on the last post!


  1. great having a monday off because of snow. please snow...come to berlin!!! :)

  2. I love the little things like this that I've inherited from my parents and grandparents, too. Sounds like you had a lovely, relaxing day!

  3. i have yet to touch snow, aahhhh. those little frosted cups are so so darling. <3 you are a beautiful soul.

  4. I just discovered your blog, and I love it. Your photography is so lovely! These cups are perfect with the frosty window.


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