
a completely different camera










Det här är min morfars kamera. Han hade ett mörkrum hemma i badrummet där han framkallade och kopierade själv (och lärde min mamma att göra detsamma). Tyvärr sålde han hela den utrustningen för en hundralapp när ingen annan var intresserad. Men kamerautrustningen är komplett. I väskan ligger massor av filter och annat som jag knappt vet vad det är för något. Skamligt nog har jag inte ens provat kameran än. Men jag ser fram emot att göra det när dagarna blir lite längre. Den är så himla fin.

PS. Bara två dagar kvar på rean i min shop!

This is my grandfather's camera. He had a darkroom in the bathroom, where he developed and copied all his photos (and taught my mother how to). Unfortunately, he sold all his equipment for almost nothing once when nobody else wanted it. But his camera gear is still intact. In the bag are plenty of filters and other things I don't even know what they're for. Shame on me; I haven't even tried the camera yet. But I look forward to doing so when the days get longer. It's such a beauty.

PS. Only two days left on the sale in my shop!


  1. what an amazing camera! it's stunning!

  2. helt helt otroligt fin kameraväska o kamera för den delen. kramar

  3. So jealous! I've been wanting one of those for so long. Have fun with it! Looking forward to seeing what you'll take!

  4. It could be so special to you !
    I have a old camera from my father, but it isn't that old like your grandfater's.
    http://himilhaud.tistory.com/170 - fourth pic is the camera :)
    It's more than 30 years old.

  5. Åh wow på kameran! + han är från Bodafors! Min morfar bor där roligt nog. Världen är liten...

  6. Det är en skatt! Och vad för en!

  7. I've received the tote bag, it's so cute.
    thank you so much!

  8. It's a beauty indeed! How cool that this is your grandpa's... I'm sure you'll shoot some great images with it one day!

  9. what a great camera. It seems as though your grandpa was one very cool guy. can't wait to see what you turn out from using it.

    ps - I picked up one of your cutting boards yesterday. Can't wait to see it in person!

  10. What a gorgeous camera! It's beautiful.

  11. I love this set of photos! In particular #2 and #8! I also really liked your post about your DSLR equipment. I have been contemplating for some time now jumping into a DSLR and am torn between the canon 5D and the Nikon d300! I found your post to be very helpful! Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Åh hjälp vad fint - gillar! :-)

    Låter toppen, då återkommer jag till dig efter jul med en specialbeställning! :-)

  13. So that's where you get your talent of photography! It really is such a beauty...have fun with it!
    Julie xo

  14. Åhh, en sån där har jag önskat mig länge! Ska bli spännande att se dina foton så småningom.

  15. that's a gorgeous camera! looks like it's going to be a lot of fun!

  16. I'm literally drooling...
    family history + quality, the best!

  17. Delighted to have found my way to your blog... took a turn here and a turn there and here I am.

  18. i just bought a rollei magic at an antique market. aren't they awesome?


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