






Jag letade igenom mitt arkiv idag och hittade några bilder som aldrig kommit upp på bloggen. Som en bonus får ni hur jag ser ut när jag borstar tänderna, för det har ni ju alltid undrat.

I looked through my archives today and found these random shots that never made it onto the blog. The one of me brushing my teeth is just a bonus, hah. I know you've always wanted to know what I look like while doing that.


  1. vad är det för soppa i andra bilden? ser otroligt gott ut!

  2. I like those picture, and that shrimp soup looks so good..I would have never thought you were brushing your teeth, I wish my face was as fresh when I wake up .lol

  3. i actually stopped, stared and said 'wow' at the picture of the food. it looks so good!

    oh, and what brand are your glasses? i'd love to get myself a pair of glasses frames like those...

  4. annette: det är en spenat- och fisksoppa med räkor. jättegod!

    Alissa @ Not Just Apples: the brand is called oxydd

  5. Would you not judge me if I told you that the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the second picture was, "Oh, so IKEA does have actual Swedish food"?

  6. iwishihadtaste: what does IKEA have to do with anything? and what is so Swedish about this food?

  7. beautiful photos...i LOVE that sign.

  8. Hilda, det är vad tyskar tänker om Sverige. Svenskar ätar ärtsoppa och krabbor och varenda har möbler från Ikea. Har du inte visste? ;-)

  9. Food in your plates seems SUPER YUMMY!

  10. your photos are so incredible! what kind of camera do you use?? i am looking to get one and i love your photos!

    finally hatachi

  11. Å så fina bilder. Jag blir ju sugen på sommar nu ;) Tack för en inspirerande blogg!


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