
my favorite holiday snack






I år var jag med från start och gjorde degen kvällen innan Det Stora Baket. Med ett gammalt recept utklippt från en tidning, med överstrukna mängdmått på kryddorna och mormors och mammas egna (bättre) ditskrivna blir det de godaste pepparkakorna jag vet. Och de jag fick med mig hem ska räcka ända fram till jul, hur det nu ska gå till.

This year I joined my mother in the making of the gingerbread cookie dough the night before The Big Baking Day. An old recipe cut out from a newspaper, with the spice measurements crossed out and my grandmother's and mother's modified amounts scribbled on the side, makes the best pepparkakor I know. And the ones I brought home are supposed to last until Christmas...


  1. care to share the recipe for this favorite snack with your blog readers? :)

  2. Can you share the receipe? I have a couple of swedish friends and I'd like to surprise them ;)

  3. sure! I'll have to get it from my mother first, though.

  4. Mm Do you mind sharing the recipe? I've been trying to find a good one!

  5. mmm.. these look incredibly delicious

  6. These do look delicious, am also very curious about your recipe, especially with your grandmothers alterations!
    Am envious of your tin-how lovely it is!!!
    Nothing like baking with your mom, still is nice even we are all grown up.

  7. I've never tried gingerbread cookie. Seem delicious.

  8. Hi, I really love your pictures! Could you maybe tell us more about what camera and lense you use? That would be interesting to know!!

  9. I love Gingerbread cookies too. And these are so fantastic photos of the process. I love all the different shapes the cookies are.


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