
this is japan





Min mamma hittade den här boken i morfars förråd. Skriven 1950, av den förste svensk som tilläts missionera i det ockuperade Japan efter andra världskriget. Jag hoppas att Mt Fuji ser likadant ut när vi kommer dit.

My mother found this book in my grandfather's workshop. "This is Japan", written in 1950 by the first Swede who was allowed to missionize in occupied Japan after WW2. I hope Mt Fuji looks the same when we get there.


  1. so excited for you, love! <3 you're gonna have the time of your lives, i'm sure. (: and that is one lovely book there.

  2. your blog is a gem! so glad i found it.

  3. what an amazing find! Everything about that book is beautiful. If you do go to Japan definitely bring it along!

  4. I can imagine all the lovely photos you will have from your adventure. Did you happen to find a place to stay?

  5. You have an amazing journey ahead of you! Cheers!

  6. what a treasure! an i am green with envy that you will visit :)


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