
family photo album II





Fler bilder ur min morfars pappas fotoalbum. På första uppslaget står Victor själv, till höger, tillsammans med sin bror Albin, troligtvis någonstans i British Columbia i Canada. Till höger på andra uppslaget sitter min mamma och hennes bröder. De lösa bilderna föreställer Victor och hans syster Elvira. Och sen ett uppslag med bara hästar och sjuksystrar. Det är inte många människor i albumet som är namngivna, men hästarna "Kvin å Jack" fick sina namn nedskrivna minsann.

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More from my great grandfather's photo album. On the first spread is Victor himself, right, with his brother Albin, probably somewhere in British Columbia, Canada. To the right on the next spread is my mother and her brothers. The separate photos are of Victor and his sister Elvira. And then an entire spread with horses and nurses. Hardly any people in this album are named, but the horses "Kvin 'n Jack" got their names written down.


  1. these photos are wonderful. i love family history and old photos of my family. i love hearing other people's family history. thank you so much for sharing. it is great that you still have all these pictures of past generations.

  2. Love these! I've been hunting down and saving/framing my old family photos, too. So fascinating. I like to try to figure out the story behind each one.


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