
my workspace







This is where the magic happens så att säga. IKEA-skrivbordet är (förutom sängen) det enda i mitt hem som inte är second hand. Men det är stort och vitt så det får gå ändå. Anslagstavlan var brun när jag köpte den på Erikshjälpen, efter två lager överbliven väggfärg blev den vit. Där samsas reseminnen från San Francisco, Tokyo, Madrid och Vietnam med fotoautomatremsor från Berlin, en av morfars almanackor, mina ihopknåpade collage och loppisfoton. Under ett genomskinligt skrivbordsunderlägg från IKEA ligger mina polaroidbilder. Papplådorna under bordet rymmer allt från viktiga papper och pysselsaker till min kamerasamling. Gummibandsförpackningen "O'Band" kunde jag inte motstå att köpa på bästa affären Tokyu Hands i Tokyo. Skärmsläckaren heter Fliqlo och kan laddas ner här.

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This is where the magic happens. The IKEA desk is (except for the bed) the only thing in my home that isn't vintage. But it's huge and white so it's okay. The bulletin board was an ugly brown when I thrifted it; after two coats of left-over white wall paint it became white. It holds travel memories from San Francisco, Tokyo, Madrid and Vietnam, photo booth strips from Berlin, one of my grandfather's calendars, a collage made by me and old photos salvaged from flea markets. Under a transparent desk pad from IKEA lies my polaroid photos. The paper boxes under the desk holds everything from important papers and craft supplies to my camera collection. The rubber band packaging "O'Band" was too pretty to resist at Tokyu Hands, my favorite store in Tokyo. The screen saver is called Fliqlo and can be downloaded here.


  1. So inspiring. And neat!

    Have a beautiful shiny day, dear Hilda. xo

  2. I love your workspace. It's so organised. You should see mine, though! :-) The good thing is that I know my mess inside out.

    Greetings from London.

  3. Such a lovely workspace! Mine is currently a big mess, so seeing yours is motivating me to take mine seriously.

  4. Love your workspace! I really need to makeover my space...

  5. ur workspace looks so neat (my desk usually looks really messy).
    lovely to have all these little pieces of memories around while u work.

    thank you for the wallpaper link. it's awesome :)

  6. Great space! Everything is so neat and tidy! Ugh, I need to get organized myself lol.

  7. Thanks for sharing that screen saver! Love it.

  8. oh my ! you have such a neat and well organized working table !

    happy happy april, dear hilda


  9. herregud så fint du har det. så vill jag också ha det!

  10. I love it! There's a lot of inspiration there!

    By the way, I received my amazing print today! Thank you! I'm now hunting for the perfect frame. :)

  11. so so pretty! where did you get this beautiful paper boxes?

    greetings from vienna - enjoy your sunny weekend!

  12. Thanks so much, I've got the same screen saver now!

  13. too clean to be true!
    I received the post cards "Help Japan", they are beautiful.

  14. That is a wonderful work space! Such lovely details. The polaroids look so great!

  15. love your little workspace especially all the different memory boxes.

  16. What an organised space... if only i could keep mine this tidy, its organised chaos here.!!! Love your space and polaroids under the table top :)

  17. Otroligt inspirerande! Gillar verkligen skrivbordsunderlägget du gjort.


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