
kitchen details





De här bilderna togs för några veckor sen, men det är minst lika soligt i mitt kök just nu. Det plötsliga solskenet (och några chokladdoppade russin) gjorde just min dåliga måndag mycket, mycket bättre. Hoppas att den här veckan inte går så fort som alla andra veckor gör. Jag hinner inte med.

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These photos were taken a few weeks ago, but my kitchen is just as bright and sunny right now. The sudden sunshine (and a few chocolate covered raisins) certainly brightened my very crappy Monday. Here's to hoping this week doesn't go as fast as every other week seems to. I can't keep up.


  1. Fantastiske bilder! Liker bloggen din veldig godt:) Følger deg på bloglovin!

  2. like your details, your home looks very lovely and nice!

  3. Ringstorp yeah! Mina gamla hoods.
    Jag hoppas att din vecka går långsamt och att min går snabbt. För hittills, sjukt långtråkig. ;)

  4. i love these photos! you have a beautiful kitchen with good details :)

  5. i love your sunny kitchen photos, they feel so warm. beautiful colourful tins too. hope your tuesday is better than your crappy monday!

  6. I just stumbled upon your home tour on Apartment Therapy. So now even more people will find out about your great work. Congratulations!

    Greetings from Hamburg

  7. Beautiful light! Especially love the last photo and the light shining through the honey.


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