
guilty pleasures







Tomorrow is the opening night of my class' final exhibition Guilty Pleasures. Yesterday we hung our pieces and it was so much fun to see what everyone else had made. I love the neon pink poster some of my classmates made for the show. And Linnea's bird collages. Can you guess what my guilty pleasure is? What is your guilty pleasure?

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Imorgon kväll är det vernissage för vår klassutställning Guilty pleasures på Cirkulationscentralen i Malmö (kl 19-22). Igår hängde vi våra saker och det var så kul att äntligen få se vad de andra har gjort. Jag älskar den neonrosa affischen som några av mina klasskompisar har gjort till utställningen. Och Linneas fågelkollage. Kan ni gissa vad min guilty pleasure är? Vad är din guilty pleasure? Om du är i Malmö imorgon eller i helgen, kom till Cirkulationscentralen och titta!


  1. very interesting. waitin'g more photos :)

  2. Those bird collages are breathtaking. I bet your show is going to be a huge hit!

    One of my favorite guilty pleasures is eating a New York style pizza all by myself with a huge glass of milk. :)

  3. It love the poster! I think my favorite guilty pleasure is baking brownies with dark chocolate chips AND chocolate frosting. It's so delicious but extremely rich, perfect for sharing with lots of friends.

  4. i'm sure it was a great show!♡

  5. The exhibition is going to be amazing, I just know it. Looking forward for another update :)
    - http://xtheperfectmess.blogspot.com

  6. Hi Hilda! I love your blog and photos :)
    Greetings from Italy!

  7. Looks great... delighted to have found my way to your blog quite by chance...


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