
flowers, floors & flowers on floors








Last week me and my parents went to a waffle and music night in Ödestugu. The old fashioned country store was open, and the house it was in hadn't changed much in a long, long time. There was so much pretty to look at, I especially loved the patterned floors and wallpapers.

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Förra veckan följde jag med mina föräldrar på våffel- och musikkväll i Ödestugu. Den gamla lanthandeln var öppen, och huset som den ligger i har sett likadant ut väldigt länge. Det fanns massor av fint att titta på, jag gillade speciellt de mönstrade golven och tapeterna.


  1. Wow, love all the patterns! Great pictures!

  2. Patterned floor is such a lovely idea!

  3. oh my. what a pretty place! kinda want to live there.

  4. Love all the different patterns! I think my Norwegian grandparents had the same wallpaper as in the first photo. :)

  5. I absolutely love all of your photos. Everything about them is how I want to take pictures. You get perfect exposures on everything! Especially on the top image...I am blown away! Teach me the ways!

  6. I do agree with Anna: it seems to me that your eyes are my eyes - you focus on the same details I'd focus on if I was there...that's impressing, that's what I love of your works. Congratulations, really :-)) !!

  7. Love the lighting and the crispness of these photos.

  8. wow, så fint! flaskorna är min favorit.
    ville bara säga att jag tipsade om din blogg för ett tag sedan och lånade några bilder till det. jag var noga med källan förstås, så jag hoppas att det går bra. tack för all inspiration!

  9. These photos are stunning! Love them!

  10. What a lovely place!
    Happy to catch up on your blog again after my holidays :-) Have a good Wednesday evening!

  11. look at all the pretty patterns! lovely.


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