
a taste of summer








Thanks for all your get well wishes! I am still sick but also sick of just lying on the couch. So I decided to finally edit these photos I took on one of the hottest days of the summer. Sanna, Ben and me went hiking in Kullaberg nature reserve. We met some cows, enjoyed the views from the lighthouse, had delicious ice cream (Danish nougat and blueberry!), took a chilly swim between the cliffs (on the bottom left in the first photo), had a picnic on the top of the hill, hitchhiked back to the bus station and ended the day with dinner in the harbor at sunset. Such a great day.

Jag är fortfarande sjuk men har tröttnat på att ligga i soffan. Tog äntligen tag i att redigera de här bilderna från en av sommarens varmaste dagar. Sanna, Ben och jag tillbringade en dag i Kullabergs naturreservat. Vi vandrade ut till fyren, mötte några kor på vägen, hade picknick på kullens högsta punkt, njöt av utsikten från fyrtornet, åt Engelholmsglass (dansk nougat och blåbär!), tog ett kyligt kvällsdopp mellan klipporna (i nedre vänstra hörnet på första bilden), liftade tillbaka till hamnen där vi åt en god middag i solnedgången. En riktigt bra sommardag.


  1. Låter som rena drömmen just nu! :-)

  2. Beautiful colors! Love this blue, and the sun... I miss him these days. Take care!

  3. i really so love your photographs, hilda, and it is such a pleasure to read your blog. xoxo

  4. wow. that looks like the best of summer, all in one set of photos! i especially love that sailboat shot. if only we could live in summer all year long...

  5. Oh, now I really want ice cream!

  6. This place looks pretty magical. Love the cows - their like the scottish ones. Look kinda like hippy cows. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. These photos are absolutely gorgeous!

  8. I love the lighthouse. I ice cream! everything looks so wonderful, thank you for bringing summer back for a moment. Take care!

  9. what wonderful photos (and that ice-cream looks amazing)! I hope you feel better soon :)

  10. Mmmmmm... blueberry ice-cream... yumm!

  11. Those are beautiful! That cow shot sure is cute :)

  12. Wow these scenes are beautiful! Really makes me want to travel.


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