
2011 recap: december



In December, I worked nights to make ends meet and slept through the days until the sun had already set and my camera was being repaired so I didn't take any photos. I made a bunch of book clocks and sold most of them at markets in Jönköping and Malmö, shot DIYs for Brittany, had glögg fika with friends, wrapped Christmas presents and spent the holidays with family, food and fun. 2011 had its ups and downs; I'm hoping 2012 will be much, much better. Happy new year to all of you and thank you for all your comments and support!

2011 recap: november






In November, I stayed up late and woke up late, did some collages but nothing much else, my sister came to Malmö one weekend and I spent the last weekend at my parents' baking pepparkakor while the first snow fell.

2011 recap: october






In October, I spent a fantastic Indian summer weekend with my mom, went to the best flea market of the year and bought more than I should have, had more long breakfasts, tried to welcome the new season, went to Stockholm for a photo shoot and to see my brother and friends, made a new workspace for myself in my apartment and dreaded the coming dark months.


2011 recap: september






In September, I had long breakfasts to prompt me to get out of bed, got a surprise trip to Greece where I spent one of the best weeks of the year reading, napping, swimming, tanning, eating (!) and relaxing, spent a day in Copenhagen shooting for Kinfolk and walking around, met Linnea for fika at Chez Madame and spent a lot of time thinking and wasting time trying not to think.


2011 recap: august






In August, I went on lighthouse field trips with Sanna and Ben to Kullen, Smygehuk and Falsterbo, photographed weddings in Stockholm, Mölle and Denmark, spent a couple of rainy days in Stockholm with my sister and friends and had pancake breakfast at Andrea and Eddie's, enjoyed a visit from my sister and one from a good old friend, with whom I tried all the gelato places in Malmö and bought silly second hand dresses.


2011 recap: july






In July, I spent a few days in Malmö and had fika at Linnea's, photographed a couple of weddings (pictured are Bartek & Jannice), celebrated my sister's birthday with cake and family at our summer house (where I spent most of this month as well), picked a million raspberries and blueberries in Nässjö, bought myself a new camera and spent a lovely day in Stenshuvud national park with friends after another friend's wedding.

2011 recap: june






June was apparently all about food. Barbecue and fika in my parents' backyard, mud cake break on our bike trip around Visingsö, potluck fika with my class in Saga's garden and barbecued marshmallows on the beach in Gullbranna, where I spent most of the month working and relaxing.


gift wrapping II






Tape or glue a book page (or something else) to a plain paper for a simple gift wrapping, or just use a pretty vintage paper box if you don't feel like wrapping at all. A page from a magazine, vintage or new, with a greeting written directly on it, is also an easy way to wrap a gift.

PS. A Wallpaper Gift Bags DIY I shot for the lovely Brittany of The House that Lars Built is now up on Oh Happy Day. Also, I'm a proud contributor to Vol 2 of Kinfolk, get your copy here!

Tejpa eller limma en boksida (eller annat papper) på ett enfärgat papper för en enkel inslagning, eller lägg presenten i en fin gammal papperslåda om du inte känner för att slå in alls. En sida ur en tidning, gammal eller ny, med en hälsning skriven direkt på är också ett lätt sätt att slå in ett fint paket.

PS. Gör presentpåsar av tapet, en DIY-guide som jag fotade åt Brittany (The House that Lars Built) finns nu på Oh Happy Day. Och Vol 2 av Kinfolk (där jag har bilder med) finns ute nu, köp den här!


gift wrapping I







One of the best things about Christmas is getting to wrap so many gifts. If I could wrap gifts for a living, I totally would. My goal is to use anything but "wrapping paper"-- I mean, who says wallpaper can't be used as wrapping paper? Or any other kind of paper (or fabric)? And who says I have to decorate the gifts with string? Why not use dots, tape or stamps? Any piece of paper can be turned into a card or tag, like a bingo score card or a vintage collecting card. I'll show you more of what my gifts look like this year.

En av de bästa sakerna med julen är att få slå in så många paket. Om man kunde ha paketinslagning som jobb skulle jag vilja ha det. Mitt mål är att använda allt annat än "omslagspapper"-- jag menar, vem har sagt att inte en tapetbit kan användas som omslagspapper? Eller vilket annat papper (eller tyg) som helst? Och vem har sagt att man måste dekorera med snöre? Varför inte använda tejp, stämplar eller prickar? Nästan vad som helst kan bli ett kort, till exempel en bingobricka eller ett gammalt samlarkort. Imorgon visar jag mer av hur mina paket ser ut i år.


2011 recap: may






In May, a wedding I shot was featured in a big wedding magazine, I made tea popsicles and fish soup, worked a couple of weekends at my summer job and made a 3D(-ish) illustration for my class' final exhibition Guilty Pleasures where we toasted to our own greatness with pink cups.


2011 recap: april






In April, I spent my birthday weekend with my parents in Malmö, Skanör and Falsterbo, I took one of my favorite wedding photos (of Elaina & Mark) in Copenhagen, had friends over for carrot cake fika, spent Easter break with my sister enjoying the amazing weather, barbecueing in a park, tanning on the beach and eating strawberries and finally spent the last weekend at my summer house working.