
2011 recap: december



In December, I worked nights to make ends meet and slept through the days until the sun had already set and my camera was being repaired so I didn't take any photos. I made a bunch of book clocks and sold most of them at markets in Jönköping and Malmö, shot DIYs for Brittany, had glögg fika with friends, wrapped Christmas presents and spent the holidays with family, food and fun. 2011 had its ups and downs; I'm hoping 2012 will be much, much better. Happy new year to all of you and thank you for all your comments and support!


  1. Happy New Year!, Have a great day!.

  2. Wow just lovely and so coloured, I really adore your blog! Happy New Year!

  3. Happy New Year to you Hilda! It's been a great joy following your blog for a year now. I may not have the lovely sunlight you often have in your apartment but it reaches as far as Seattle:)

  4. a wonderful blog! Congratulations!


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