








I've been down with a cold for the past week. Working nights, sleeping days and spending late afternoons flipping through 40 channels of bad tv. Yesterday I shot a fun wedding and today I took a walk in the white wonderland that is the woods five minutes away from my parents' house. Now the weekend is over and I'm back to the work-sleep-tv-routine, but hopefully I'll have enough energy to share some more photos here soon.

2012 inleddes med en rejäl förkylning som ännu inte släppt sitt grepp om mig. På nätterna har jag jobbat, på dagarna sovit, på kvällarna zappat mig igenom 40 kanaler dålig tv. Igår fotade jag ett roligt bröllop, idag tog jag en promenad i vinterlandskapet i skogen nära mina föräldrars hus. Nu är helgen slut och jag går tillbaka till jobba-sova-tv-rutinen, men förhoppningsvis har jag tillräckligt med energi för att dela med mig av fler bilder här snart.


  1. Vackra bilder - hoppas du kryar på dig! :-)

  2. looking at your post made me miss the snow so bad...there isn't snow in netherlands this winter :-( btw I love your blog, and I've had linked it to mine, hope you don't mind :-)

  3. gorgeous.
    winter hasn't arrived here yet (amsterdam), but they say it will soon.

  4. wow these are stunning. some of your most beautiful shots! such inspiration xxx

  5. Beautiful :) I hope you feel better soon!

  6. so beautiful. really amazing pics. would love to have such a winter over here in germany.

    regards from berlin :)

  7. I hope you feel better soon. These photographs are utterly glorious. I want to be there. Thank you for bringing them to the other side of the world (in my case, Australia).

  8. Oh, I real Winter Wonderland. Gorgeous, though I don't really miss it ;-)

  9. awww....your pictures are so incredibly beautiful :) ! How much do I envy you for having snow. I live in the middle of Germany and it is only raining here :-(

  10. Oh, lucky you, you have such wonderful snow! In Poland we have a no-snow winter, I miss it a lot!

  11. Your photos are gorgeous :) I wish I were as inspired by my surroundings as you are.

  12. These photos are gorgeous! Love.

  13. I am convinced that the light in Scandinavia is magical and your photographs truly capture that magic.

  14. Gorgeous photos! We haven't had even a flake of snow, it's been nowhere near cold enough.

  15. Riktigt fina vinterbilder! Det verkar ju inte bli så många i år. Här i GBG låg snön kvar i några timmar. Får väl se hur det blir till helgen med storm!


  16. love these winter images. nice work!

  17. The second picture is so coooool! i realy LOVE colors, and the landscape, the sky... everything!

  18. I wish we had snow in Prague! I miss snow. There is nothing except little flurries every day that melt when they hit the ground. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.

  19. oh wow, these are so gorgeous, we never have snow like this in the UK (well, not in London at least!) you are so very talented xoxo

  20. You always have the best snow photos! I can't get enough of them.


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