
good + bad



If I have to be reminded that it's still February after being fooled into believing spring had finally arrived, I will at least allow myself to enjoy the good things this month has to offer. That's what I told myself as I walked home this afternoon, all crouched over to avoid getting snow in my eyes. So I popped into my local bakery for a semla, possibly the last one I'll eat this year.

Om jag måste bli påmind om att det fortfarande är februari efter att ha inbillat mig att våren äntligen kommit måste jag få tillåta mig att njuta av det enda positiva den här månaden har att erbjuda. Det var vad jag sa till mig själv när jag småsprang hem i eftermiddags, hukande för att undvika att få snö i ögonen. Så jag köpte mig en semla på kvarterskonditorit, troligen årets sista för mig.


  1. that looks so yummy, snow is a little bit similar to cream, isn't :)

  2. I love the second one! It really makes me miss Malmö, ironically enough.

  3. so curious as to why it's the last one, just like the other reader above. are you doing something exciting?! :D

  4. i know, i am feeling the same way... I see a flicker of the sun and am instantly inspired for spring, but it is a long way away here in seattle!

  5. Dennie & Simone Anne: Cafés/bakeries sell them from around Christmas until the end of February. Traditionally they are only eaten on Fat Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras) which was last Tuesday.

  6. I had not heard of a semla before, but it looks delicious!

  7. almost too pretty to eat. Almost. Happy to have a book clock ordered after years of wishing, i finally ordered one today. Your blog has been a favorite dreaming destination for many years, thank you.

  8. Its look yummy...
    greetings from Hague /Nl :)

  9. What an amazing pic of the semla! It looks so yummy and lonely at the same time!

  10. Oh what a treat to see a little of your world! Some of my heart lives in Malmo, so I relish your beautiful pics and stories. Thanks, grace

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  12. I love this first image of the chair and cake. It's so simple and effective. http://emsdarkroom.blogspot.com/ x

  13. Mmh! That looks delicious!

    By the way: your blog is great! I will come back.

    Have a nice day!


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