

At GIH-badet in Stockholm time seems to have stopped. From what I understand it was designed in 1939 by Kjell Wejke and Gunnar Ödéen but built in 1965. And seemingly nothing has changed since then. Andrea took me there this weekend and I was able to sneak a few iPhone shots of the amazing interior after a our swim. This is what a swimming bath should look like. There's one in my home town that I hope to be able to document before they decide to destroy remodel it.

På GIH-badet på Östermalm står tiden still. Som jag förstår det ritades det 1939 av Kjell Wejke och Gunnar Ödéen men byggdes först 1965. Och det ser likadant ut idag. Andrea tog med mig dit i helgen och jag lyckades smygta några iPhone-bilder av den fantastiska interiören efter några vändor i bassängen. Det är så här simhallar ska se ut. Nässjö simhall är i liknande stil, jag hoppas få tillfälle att dokumentera den innan de bestämmer sig för att förstöra renovera den.


  1. Hilda, I love your work! I live in Stockholm and I've never been at GIH-badet, but the pics you made make me feel like going there as soon as possible. Do you still live in Malmö? I would love to see more of your shoots from Stockholm:)

  2. i love the combination of the color of the water and of the tiles! the two always goes well together :)

  3. Beautiful photos!! Thank you for sharing them! I love the ambience you've captured, as well as the wood, tile, water, etc. I love swimming, and I'd love to swim in a place like that.

    I really enjoy your blog!

    --Anacelie (from Albuquerque, NM)

  4. i've been just planning a visit to some of stockholm's swimming pools,
    and now I have another one to add to my list.
    lovely photos, the contrast between water and tiles is indeed fantastic!


  5. wow, that is just so pretty! i hope they don't destroy the one in your hometown, if it looks anything like this. :)

  6. your photos are so lovely. I've been following here for quite some time, but the gorgeous colors in these caused me to comment!

  7. your photo always great. did you only use an iphone? unbelievable!

  8. Wow, beautiful 'vintage' pictures :)

  9. Hej!

    himla fin blogg och himla fina instagrambilder.
    får jag följa? jag är där : ellenvingrensongs

    åh. kul att ha hittat hit. tack och hej

  10. Lovely, if only pools in the UK were as beautiful.

  11. There are so many amazing swimming pool interiors that seem to function more like time machines that swimming pools. I went to one in Munich the other day: http://www.swm.de/privatkunden/m-baeder/schwimmen/hallenbaeder/volksbad.html I ended up paying more attention to the interior than to my front crawl!

    Swimming pools would make a great photography series.

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