
unexpected guests


Sfgirlbybay did a post on my apartment and a little interview with me the other day. Thanks Victoria!

Sfgirlbybay gjorde ett inlägg om min lägenhet och en liten intervju med mig häromdagen. Tack Victoria!


  1. Congrats on being featured! I love what you've done with your apartment and you've become another "hero" of mine when it comes to dealing with small living spaces. I adore your collection of suitcases:)


  2. hei hilda, congrats for this beautiful feature and for your lovely home. those photos proof a beautiful home has nothing to do with its space ...

    but one thing, do you have an extra space for books?


  3. I just adored your feature! Congrats! You totally deserve it!! I would love to meet up with you one day if you are ever in Copenhagen (or if I pop over to Malmo!) Hugs!

  4. I'm not surprised...you do have the most amazing apartment ever! Congratulations!

  5. I love your workspace and congrats on the feature.


I read and appreciate all your comments, thank you so much!
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